My Very own Multistrada V4S


New Bike Day

Multistrada V4S 2021

It has been a year since I placed a deposit with Ducati for the newly launched Ducati Multistrada V4S. The bike has really caught my attention when it was announced to be manufactured. What can you say when you see the specifications on the bike. This bike is like a beast at 170 horsepower and kitted out with the most advanced electronics for a touring bike. It is also the first bike to use the radar system and adaptive control. This is also Ducati first venture using a V4 Granturismo engine on its toruing range. The same engine is being used on its marquee superbike, the Panigale V4 as well as the Streetfighter V4. The Multistrada is given a new facelift and fitted with the V4 Granturismo engine power plant...away from its twin cylinder V-twins that has been running since early 2000s.

However the interest to change bike can only be realised if I were to able to sell off my current Ducati Multistrada Enduro which has been with me to close to 5 years and with its many adventures together, it sure has some sentimental value. Its current mileage is close to 80,000km however it work flawlessly for its lifespan with many parts that has been upgraded and replaced to keep it adventure worthy. The whole deal almost fell through as I was not able to find a buyer for the bike for the next 10 months (Jan - Oct 2021). The Ducati agent (Wearnes Automotive Singapore) was kind enough to honour my booking without giving me any pressure to take out the bike soonest. Finally the breakthrough came when I was approached by a mutual friends who was looking to get into the Ducati scene and was previously riding adventure bikes before. I managed to strike a deal that was mutually beneficial for us both and the deal went through by the end of Nov.

Goodbye Multistrada

The new owner of the Ducati Multistrada Enduro testing and chechking out the bike before committing to buy it over. We spent a few days discussing and about a week with all the arrangement before the bike was handed over to Mr Jopri. Bike was handed over via the Ducati agent, Wearnes Automotive.

The Next Chapter

Now the next chapter may be written... The procedures for getting a new bike gets underway with the help of our Ducati Singapore salesman, Mr Tham Chong Wei, who graciously went out of his way many a times to help me to get what I wanted from the sales (best prices, best worskhop service & best aftersales service). Everything was arranged for me to come down and he explained more about the Multistrada V4S and then we sat down and discussed the payment plans and .... the ink is placed on the dotted lines.

It will be an exciting two weeks as I will start to build up the bike ... waiting for the bike to arrive, buying and fitting on accessories & finally the collection of the bike.

One fine day went down to Ducati Singapore Showroom to finally get a feel and a more in depth understanding of what I am paying for. Chong Wei, the salesperson, gave me a more indepth explaination of the different variants of the Ducati MTS V4 and how it differs from its predecessors. I had the opportunity to video the explaination and will share it here on my webpage for others to learn more about it as well. I am impressed with what Ducati had packed into the bike and from what I had heard this will be the touring bike of the year.

Variants of the MTS V4

The Ducati Multistrada V4 comes in as many as 6 variants worldwide but here in Singapore we are restricted to 3 different variants. Chong Wei will help to explain more on the variants available locally.

Highlights of the MTS V4

Here Chong Wei goes on to explain what are the highlights or improvements the MTS V4 has over its predecessors of the older generation of the V twins.

While we wait...

It was actually fun waiting for parcels to arrive and finally when most of them have arrived we did an unboxing of al the items that are going to be fitted onto the bike once it arrived in Singapore at Ducati Singapore showroom. The parcels were sent over to the Ducati Singapore for the items to be stored and fitted on when the bike arrive. Delivery of the bike is somewhere in early December and I had planned to take the bike out 3 weeks later just before Christmas 2021.

Accessories Shopping

This is a video of some of the accessories that I shopped for online and will be fitted onto my Ducati Multistrada V4S. Most of the accessories serve a functional purpose for my touring adventures. About 8000 sgd has been spent on the accessories even before the bike arrived in Ducati Singapore.

The Arrival of the MTS V4s

One afternoon I received a call from Chong Wei that the bike will arrive this evening and ready to be uncrated. I told him I will be there to uncrate the bike myself (opening ceremony they say). Headed down to Ducati Singapore in the evening and very happy to see the crates all ready to be unboxed. One of them belongs to me...I was all smiles about it and very excited to see the bike which will finally be mine after a long wait.

The Arrival of MTS V4s

The crates had just been dropped off at Ducati Singapore. They are ready to be unboxed from its original packaging direct from Italy. We are here this evening to unbox the crates ourselves (Opening ceremony to my ownership of the bike).

Unboxing Video

First look at the bike as they arrive from Italy. We tear up the box and uncrate the bike...wooohooo.

Kitting up gets underway

I had arranged to pick up the bike from the dealership just before Christmas...that is about 3 weeks away. While waiting the mechanics at Ducati Singapore may start work on kitting out my bike with the accessories that I had purchased. Apart from the accessories that I had purchased online, I had also ordered some parts from Ducati on it Ducati Performance range, namely the bashplate, main stand as well as the brake sensor protector. Ducati Singapore was kind enough to provide free installations (waived off charges) for these items. As days goes by my salesman as well as the mechanics provide photos of the progress of the fixing. Whenever there were some problems or uncertainty they would ask me for my inputs as well as my decision on the parts to be fitted. Changes to fitting were also made when i requested them to help me align or fit in certain ways.

A few days before collection...

While I was hanging out at Ducati Singapore a few days before collection, the head mechanic came to me and told me my bike is ready. He brought me to do a final visual inspection of the bike and told me to inform if there were anything that was unsatisfactory to the final setup. Did a quick look around and was impressed with how the bike looks with all the accessories fitted. It is becoming more of a dream bike for me which I hope to serve me well for my overland trips in the near future.

Day Of Collection...

Believe it or not....from the launch of the bike and up till now, I have not even took the bike for a test ride (Ducati Singapore provide test rides for its potential customers) nor have I even heard the bike being cranked start...hahaha. So today will be such a special day for me to be able to finally see my bike fully kitted and be able to start on the bike for the first time and be able to ride it for the very first time. I was lucky to have close friends in the Ducati community who took time off from their routines to celebrate the day with me. They are around to witness me take over the bike from the dealership. I would like to express my appreciation to these friends who made the day even sweeter.

Bikes all ready for collection

When I signed up for the bike, I was there with another friend, Mr Yaidi, who with me today will be collecting his MTS V4S as well. We had arranged to collect the bikes on the same day since we signed on the papers together for the deposit during the initial pre launch.

Mr Yaidi with his family

Congratulations to Mr Yaidi on the collection of his MTS V4S (full)

Uncloaking the MTS V4S

With excited friends who are sharing in the celebration with me. This is the first time ever I had this experience of uncloaking a brand new bike from the dealership.

Thanks to Ducati Salesperson

Special mention and thanks to Ducati Salesperson, Mr Tham Chong Wei, for his help and dedication in providing excellent customer service to his clients.

Desmo Owners Kit

Collecting my Desmo Owners Kit. nI am now a proud owner of the 2021 Ducati Multistrada V4S.

Finally my very own Ducati Multistrada V4S Sports L:ivery Edition

Now is the time that I finally get to sit, start and ride off with my very own MTS V4s 2021 Sports Livery edition. How exciting can that get.

The First Crank of the Engine

We are all excited to hear the sound of the new V4 Granturismo engine on its first fire up.

Full Unboxed Video

For the full unbox on this link and weatch it all on video

To more adventures ahead !!!